We really LOVED British Columbia!! We will vacation in BC again! Bummed we missed Jasper & Banff, but our safety is more important. Good thing we turned south yesterday! The Intertional Truck service dealer in Kamloops was professional and went over the RV with a fine tooth comb. The problem was the ignition switch relay was going bad. One side was all corroded. I wish the place in Fairbanks would have figured out that both the ignition switch and ignition switch relay were bad, but this is just how it turned out. We are confident that we will arrive home safely.
3 nights ago at the RV park in Hyder we met a family from Illinois...similar ages to us with kids around the same ages. They only live an hour from us and left for their trip a day earlier. They just drove by us when we were getting fuel and then we just passed them as they pulled into a Walmart. How funny that we crossed paths like that.
We plan on getting down to I90 before stopping for the night and then we head east tomorrow. Depending on how far we drive each day...we might make it home by Saturday night or early in the day on Sunday!!
- Sent from my Palm Pre
- Sent from my Palm Pre
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