
Yes, I love Technology

We recently stepped into the 21st Century by actually signing up for a Family Cell phone plan. Our son had a birthday recently and he wanted a modern phone as a gift. Since we were thinking of getting something a little more robust than our Tracphone/Pre Paid phones, we decided to take the plunge.

We went with a Versizon plan that has a Data allowance (more on that later). We got our son the Samsung Intensity. It does all the things most phones do and you can load music on it as well. Our plan includes unlimited Texting, you know, 'cuz our son is a teen and will text up the wazoo.

The Samsung Intesity happens to be the phone I was just upgraded to at work (the phone it replaces is from 2002), so I know what it was capable of and would recommend it to anyone not wanting something as big as a Palm or iPhone or such.

Diana got a Palm Pre Plus. It is a smart phone and syncs up with her Gmail accounts and calendars. It also can act as a WiFi hot spot for up to 5 Devices. We wanted to get this type of access anyway for our trip, and our timing was great, we got the 5GB/Month access FOR NO EXTRA CHARGE. I was ready to lay out the $60 a month for it, but now we don't have to.

The Palm Pre Plus also can use other WiFi spots (up to "g" speeds) so we can surf the web and not use up our Plan Data Allotment. Sweet! It also multitasks, so you can have more than one app running at a time. I totally love this phone (very mini computer?). I was also pleasantly surprised to see that it has 16GM of memory (15 GB for user use).

The trip looms closer and closer and we are nearly "road ready". :)

-- Eric


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